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With no hidden fees or complicated tiers, Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage is the simplest, most predictable cloud storage solution available to educators anywhere. Make the most of your cloud storage budget by using Wasabi for:

Backup & Recovery
Protect student records, grades, and academic data from accidental deletion, corruption, or loss.

Active Archiving
Migrate legacy ERP and SIS records to a centralized cloud environment supporting predictive analytics, retention efforts, and student engagement.

Video Surveillance
Expand the video monitoring capacity of classrooms, labs, libraries, and other facilities to enhance the safety of students, teachers, and staff.
Your storage solution can achieve bottomless scalability and be infinitely affordable. With a predictable pricing model, Wasabi makes it easy to meet all your storage requirements—all on budget.
Learn more about how Wasabi can help unlock the potential of your educational data today.
Douglas Stewart Software + Services
1532 W. Broadway, Suite 200
Madison, WI 53713