Thank you for participating in the Volume Incentive Rebate Program from AVID. We have your Q3 results in!
Remember, get rewarded a little extra this year by earning up to a 2% rebate on eligible AVID sales by quarter through December 31, 2023. |
Q2 1% Rebate Sales Quota:
15% Growth over PY Sales
Q2 2% Rebate Sales Quota:
25% Growth over PY Sales |
Here are the total Q3 AVID sales for $$custom02 for July, August, and September:
2023 Q3 Earned Rebate for $$custom02: $$custom07 |
Sales reps can earn points for qualified AVID activities such as deal registrations, completed sales, and more for a chance to win up to a $900 gift card.
How to earn points |
1 pt
AVID approved deal registration |
2 pts
Closed won deal registration |
2 pts
Register and attend a 2023 AVID reseller training webinar hosted by The Douglas Stewart Company. |
$$firstname's points earned in Q3 2023: $$custom22
*Points Tracking and Awards Payout Process:
Prizes can be redeemed while supplies last.
Prizes are subject to tax reporting. |
$$custom02 Q4 AVID Sales Targets
Get ready to start earning more margin this quarter! |
Your AVID Q4 sales last year totaled
To achieve a rebate this quarter, your Q4 2023 AVID sales goals have been assigned: |
For a 1% rebate your sales target is $$custom17
For a 2% rebate your sales target is $$custom18