itopia Labs make high-tech education easy to provide and accessible for all. itopia Labs gives students anytime, anywhere, any device access to software applications for Career & Technical Education (CTE) and Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) courses.
Benefits include:
Simple & scalable – itopia is scalable across an entire school district, providing immediate value to education.
- Easy-to-manage virtual cloud labs – Educators can set up new labs on their own within minutes using a list of pre-configured and regularly updated apps.
Access to powerful industry-based software – Deliver Career & Technical Education (CTE) software like Adobe Creative Cloud, AutoCAD, Microsoft Office, VS Code, and Unity.
Great for graphics-intensive apps – Supports powerful video editing and 3D rendering applications at high resolutions.
Common Use Cases:
- Maximize 1:1 initiatives
- Add courses to district curriculum
- Enable CTE and Project Lead the Way
- Supplement or replace onsite computer labs
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