Robotics for all ages and stages View Online

Adult and child working with Root rt1 coding robot in classroom

Introductory Robotics Root rt1 & Root rt0

Good for beginners (6+)

Bringing code to life through interactive experiences, iRobot's Root® coding robots let students begin with graphical code before advancing to hybrid code, then full-text code.

Girl working on laptop looking at Learning Library

Expansive Learning Library

Enhance your lessons with iRobot Education's Learning Library, featuring hours of free and premium tutorials, projects, and activities.

Create 3 eductational robot

The next generation of iRobot's affordable, trusted, all-in-one mobile robot development platform for advanced makers learning ROS 2. The Create 3 educational robot offers a full suite of modules, sensors, LED lights, wheels, and behaviors to fuel robotics exploration.

*The Create 3 does not include cleaning hardware.

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Let iRobot Education help revitalize your robotics curriculum by reaching out to your preferred reseller today.